MTR Academy co-founded Corporate Tech Academy Network (CTAN) (2019/05/21)
On 21st May 2019, MTR Academy co-founded the Corporate Tech Academy Network (CTAN) and is joined by five other CTAN members namely CLP Power Academy, Hong Kong Institute of Construction, Hong Kong International Aviation Academy, HKPC Academy, and Towngas Engineering Academy at the Opening Ceremony in the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) Building.
The Network’s mission is to promote Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET) as a means of developing a skilled and qualified workforce.
At the ceremony, Chief Secretary for Administration Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, attached great importance to VPET. Given that the labour market will experience a shortage of 170,000 workers in 2027, he said human resource planning to ensure skills are matched to job vacancy is critical to avoid a possible economic slowdown caused by workforce shortage. He was pleased to see academies from different public and private organizations combine their strengths to support future manpower demand and the development needs of Hong Kong.
Following the official launch, an exhibition cum information seminars “Road to a Bright Professional Future” was held. MTR Academy received much interest from the public on the Accredited Programmes and Railway Intro - School Version. The latest technology used by Operations Training Department was also on display.